.50 BMG Ammo

.50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun) ammunition is a type of large-caliber rifle ammunition originally designed for use in the Browning M2 machine gun. It is now also used in a variety of other firearms, including rifles, sniper rifles, and anti-materiel rifles.

The .50 BMG cartridge is a centerfire cartridge that measures 12.7x99mm in size. It features a large, heavy bullet that weighs approximately 650 to 800 grains, making it one of the largest and most powerful rifle cartridges in common use today. The standard bullet weight for .50 BMG ammunition is 660 grains.

The bullet design for .50 BMG ammunition can vary, but typically features a lead core surrounded by a copper or brass jacket. The bullet may be a full metal jacket (FMJ), armor-piercing incendiary (API), or tracer, depending on the intended use. Armor-piercing and incendiary rounds are used for penetrating armor and disabling or destroying vehicles or structures, while tracer rounds are used for target identification.

.50 BMG ammunition is loaded with a consistent powder charge and primer, ensuring reliable performance and consistent accuracy. The cartridges are typically brass-cased and boxer-primed, which makes them easy to reload.

Overall, .50 BMG ammunition is a high-powered, highly effective ammunition that offers excellent accuracy and long-range capabilities. Its large, heavy bullet and high energy transfer make it an ideal choice for long-range shooting and anti-materiel applications, while its consistent performance and reliability make it a popular choice among military, law enforcement, and civilian users alike.

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